Isaiah 60:1

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
Isaiah 60:1

Friday, July 31, 2009


Danelle writing here:
Here we are in Michigan for our training. It's been 2 weeks already but today is the first day we've had internet. This training has been excellent. We've done lots of discipleship classes, some language acquisition classes and more are to come. One huge thing we did while we've been here has been "The Crucible". A crucible is a container used to purify silver. So you can imagine, they did all sorts of things to us to stress us out as much as they could. We were stressed physically, emotionally, mentally, all the while trying to grow us spiritually. We all go through crucibles in life, purifying processes that Paul said he counted it all joy to experience. Well, eating this tasteless clear goop that was the consistency of warm rubber cement called sac sac for breakfast one day didn't seem joyful, but it did make us realize that our bodies are much more resilient than our minds are. Learning to depend on other people and work as a team sounds cliche', but most people in America don't have very much actual practice at it. Learning to communicate rather than express could really solve a lot of misunderstandings. 

And world views. Wow. Where do I even start? I can't fully write what I've learned about world views and how incredibly selfish mine has been. It throws such a new dynamic into thinking that I've never thought about as deeply before. I wish I could reproduce that class for all of you. I truly believe it would be life-changing information to many people if realized and taken to heart. Hopefully I'll be able to attempt to unpack that thought better in a future post. 

The other people here are amazing. It's so encouraging to live in a true body of believers who have been exposed to such insight along with us. Sometimes I love them, other times I just want to get away. But learning to be a body of Christ is amazing and I pray, oh I pray that it becomes a core value branded on my heart and onto the hearts of many. 

I think that all christians should do an intensive training like this. And there's still 2 weeks left! We'll be updating and hopefully be adding some pictures soon!