Hey everyone! If internet was working better, I'd LOVE to send our audio blogs that we've recorded on voice recorders. But internet is SO slow right now, so I'm going to try for a few pictures to see how it is going to work.
Eeek, well, it looks like it is much too slow. :( One of the SMs that was here this last year is going home to raise more money and then come back. I will try to make a CD of things to send with her so maybe some pictures and audio can be shared once they reach the states... So sorry this isn't working as well as we hoped! It's frusterating, but we're thankful to have internet at all.
This 1 picture that we got up is our house!!
And if this other one posts, it is our bed. There are SOOO many more, but they will have to wait. Love you all! My internet time is up now. So hopefully I'll beable to come next week.
Love Danelle