At 11 years old, he hung out with the boys seven years older than himself. He learned fast how to make fast money. Along with the drugs he was selling and doing, he had 2 daughters by the time he was 23. He was deep into his gangster lifestyle. He had his pack of people who worked with him and one day he was going to go “handle” a situation for some of his pack with a “friend”. His friend backed out last minute. He was so angry about it. But thankfully that stopped him from murdering someone. He was getting sick of this life with friends that didn’t stick. When his wife was birthing his third daughter, a different woman than the other two, there were complications. Something was going wrong with the birth. His wife called her uncle and he immediately came and showed the most genuine concern that he had ever seen. Her uncle’s compassion and care surprised him and he knew there was something there that he needed. Her uncle knew You, Jesus. He was introduced and his life will never be the same. He’s learned a better way and wants to teach others the better way.

What is all of this about? What made these different situations have the same outcome? There must be life to these words. The bible is living and powerful. It is living because it still has relevance for today. It is powerful because as Paul explains, it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. (Rom 1:16) We can hear about these things our entire lives and miss it. What about this evidence? There is so much of it if we look for it. God knew we’d need hard evidence. But something else is included in all of this. A testimony. Lives being changed. Personal evidence to harmonize with hard evidence. What’s your testimony? If you have a hard time answering this question, ask God what He is doing in it.