This is a picture of me doing a toe block on this boy who had a abscess that needed drained. Kind of fun!

These are pictures of some scenery. Pictures never do it justice because we miss the whole panoramic, but here's just a little idea of some of our views every day.
Hi Danelle and Kev.
Fun to read your updates. I'm glad to see you're able to put your nursing skills to good use. AND, Kevin, great you can play basketball. What a great way to connect with the locals. Glad to see you are doing well. Do you also get to read and respond to your regular emails? Didn't know if I should just talk to you here on the blog only or if you can check your regular emails. Let me know if you can. As always you are in our prayers. Any cell phone info yet? Love you, MOM (karen)
Thanks for the pictures guys. It's an awesomely beautiful place you live in. Good for you for doing hard, challenging things...ie. language, nerve blocks, etc., etc. Our prayers are with you and all the missionaries and student missionaries serving this year abroad.
I am pondering how a toe block can be fun...guess it shows the reason I am not a nurse!?
This is a great work that you are doing there. You have a great blog to share what it is like.
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