So the other day Kevin and I spent the day terminating our house. In the back corner of our house, where school supply is kept, there was a HUGE nest (or whatever you call it) of termites. These little suckers destroy houses very quickly. They say a house that is not lived in for a month or two ends up not being a very good house anymore. They require constant up-keep. We rarely go into that part of the house but now we know to check more often.
So, we scrubbed the other side of the storage and prepared hot chili pepper water to pain on all of the posts and trails. We knocked down all of the trails and started to paint. Supposedly it doesn’t kill them, but deflects them. Then once we got all of the school supply boxes reorganized into that side, we tackled the side with the HUGE nest. So disgusting. It’s like raiding an ant hill kind of. But maybe not as bad. Kevin did this part.
Then we painted the rest of our posts. We still have some little trails to get rid of, but the big part is taken care of. Now we will definitely be looking for and knocking down the trails while they are small.
Oh, and while we were in there, we found a nice dead decayed rat. I guess the poison worked. This one was not nearly as bad as the one Minan (aka Leonda) found the day before in there. It smelled in our house, but we couldn’t find it. She had to get some stuff out of storage and got the right spot. It was bloated and full of maggots. Gross.
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