Isaiah 60:1

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
Isaiah 60:1

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fighting the Good Fight

This last weekend I had the opportunity to go with a fellow missionary (Naphtali) to the lowlands. The lowlands are the surrounding communities around Brookes Point, (the closest city).

Friday morning we hiked out, and within about an hour of the hike we came across a guy who was passed out along the trail. His mom was with him, but she was powerless to carry him to the clinic or down to the hospital...and it was about the halfway point on the trail. The man who was passed out would come in and out of consciousness and he was obviously in a lot of pain. We didn't know the reason he was passed out, but Naphtali recalled that this man (Litu) had intestinal surgery before and was given a 50/50 chance of living. We decided that we needed to carry him out so he could get to the hospital as soon as possible. The trail out is very steep and can be very slippery, so carrying someone out the mountains is just as hard as it sounds. We took turns carrying Litu on our back, and because Litu was in and out of consciousness he was a dead weight that we had to grip tightly so that he would stay on our backs. We also periodically checked his pulse because at times we thought he may have stopped breathing.

Eventually we made it down and were able to call a fellow missionary (Brian) who was able to come with a truck and take Litu to the hospital. I think the doctors diagnosed Litu with gastric intestinal disorder (or something like that) ...but apparently that is the most popular diagnosis down here, so who knows if that was correct. Litu is now stabilized and said that even when he was unconcious he could hear what we were saying...and we were praying for him, because we literally thought he could die at any minute.

The reason Naphtali and I went to the lowlands was to give bible studies and encouragement to some of the members down there. For me it was a great opportunity for more intensive language learning. Friday night Naphtali asked me if I could give the sermon the next day. I didn't know I was going to be giving the sermon so I wasn't prepared really, but Naphatali assured me that it would be fine and that the Holy Spirit would give me the words.

As I thought about what I would say that night the story from Exodus 4:10 came to my mind. Moses is talking to the Lord about what the Lord has asked him to do and basically says, “ Lord I can't do that because I am not a good speaker and I am slow of speech and tongue. But God reply's saying, who gave man his mouth....It is I, now go and I will help you speak and teach you what to say. Moseus however is still apprehensive and asks God to please just send someone else. God was not happy with Moseus's lack of Faith, and then says, your brother Aaron can speak for you. “You shall speak to him and put words in his mouth; I will help both of you speak and teach you what to do.”

Remembering this story was very encouraging to me. The last two weeks I had been very discouraged about my lack of language learning, and like moses I felt that in the Palawono language “I am not a good speaker and slow of speech and tongue.” However I also felt impressed that it was very important for me to persevere and not give up despite my short I was fighting the fight of faith. Like moses I knew that I was not eloquent in words, but I also know that power is made perfect in weakness (2 cor 12:9). I was encouraged that God allowed Moses to have a helper in his brother Aaron. And I knew that I could have a helper in Naphtali.

God did give me the words, they flowed easily...and the words I didn't know which were a lot, Naphtali was able to translate for me. I talked about the first four commandments and how my life personally has been effected by them. God recalled many verses to my mind, and it was a real blessing to me to see how God's power can shine forth in my weakness.

We continue to fight the fight of faith when it comes to language learning, but it is encouraging to have victories along the way. Because of my faith I know who ultimately wins the war, but that doens't mean we won't continue to have struggles until that time comes. Danelle right now is fighting the fight against malaria once again...and that fight isn't easy either. So please continue to pray for us. Thank you so much for the packages and words of encouragement we have received, they really help uplift our spirits.


Anonymous said...

What an encouraging testimony Kevin! Thanks for sharing. Did you get my package yet?
love, mom (Linda)

Carley Truelove said...

Awwe I hope you feel better soon Danelle! I'm sorry you have malaria. I wish I could come over and help you feel better.

Kevin, this was a great story. I need to write you both an email or letter soon.

love you guys lots and lots
