What an amazing last couple weeks we have had.We were in the mountains for about 7 months straight, so it is surreal to be in a city again. As I sit in our hotel room and type this with the comfort of AC, I all ready feel like I am in a new and foreign world. It is really nice to have this comfort and we are enjoying it, especially not having to be under a mosquito net while we sleep, but we never want to forget that such things are a privilege and not necessarily a right. The man who carried our box out was given 50 pesos, the standard pay. That covers about 3 hours of hard work, 50 pesos also happens to be the same price for the standard mango shake. I don't think to many palawano's have had a cold drink, let alone a mango shake. I am not saying there is anything wrong with enjoying a cold drink, or staying in a AC room. I just don't want to forget that my ability to do so is a privilege.
Saying goodbye to the Palawano's was a lot harder than I anticipated. I didn't even think I would cry, I was wrong. It surprised me how much my emotions flooded me as we were saying goodbyes. Jeunie (the boy I was praying would see his dad) wept and hugged me tight. Its hard for the boys to cry, just like it is for teens in the states to be vulnerable through emotion. I will never forget those sad faces, they were appreciative though, and many of them gave us notes expressing their gratitude.We have really grown to love them.This year has been an amazing experience and we never want to forget how God has led. And how it is always more of a blessing to give than to receive. We have received so much love through these people and its not just a cliche to say "I want to see you in heaven"we are all ready looking forward to that reunion.
Our fellow missionary's have become some of our best friends. The friendships and connections based on mission are deep. They made a special meal for our last night, and a pancake breakfast that they got up at 4:00 in the morning to make. Wonderful people they will definitely be in our prayers.
Today is our last day on the island of Palawan. We fly to Manila in 5 hours. This has been an excellent year, tough at times for sure...but in the end nothing but good memories remain. We are really looking forward to the next step. Being home visiting with family and friends. We have experienced God's love here and we never want to let go of that.
1 comment:
Danelle and Kevin....this goodbye blog brought tears to my eyes. Well written. I'm sure it was hard to say goodbye. You guys have been an amazing couple to give a year of your lives to the people there. Blessings. Joyce Wilkens
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