We are back in the US. Despite the delays Delta did eventually get us home, and they did so with first class style. However we only had one first class seat so Danelle and I shared it. I was able to experience life on the other side of the blue curtan. I was just starting to feel like I was fitting in, when Danelle came to inform me that my five hours were up and that it was her turn. She had somehow slipped past the dividing wall, the security that separates the classes, so I reluctantly gave up my seat and found my way to coach.

First class didn’t end on the plane though, in some ways it began when we re entered the United States. Clean air, clean restrooms, and a plethora of restaurants to choose from, greeted us in the San Francisco airport. First class living is a privilege and a lifestyle and is something that in many ways North America seems to have a monopoly on.

We aren’t complaining. Fridges, soft beds, and real fruit popsicles, have never looked, felt, and tasted so good. Upon arriving at her parents home in Pomeroy one of the first thing’s Danelle did was open the fridge and say, “wow.” This first month back has been full of a lot of “wow’s” it is really good to be home and our parents have treated us so good!

This month has been a whirlwind of activity. The first thing we did upon returning was drive to Port Hardy, BC to see my parents. We camped, kayaked, and explored some of BC’s pristine beaches with them. A week in Port Hardy goes by much to fast and we are all ready looking forward to the next visit.

After Port Hardy, we flew to Michigan for a re entry program. This program is designed to allow missionaries to transition smoothly back to their home culture. While there we stayed with my friend David Sandvick and his wife Brittany. They are about to head out as carrer missionaries to India. Being at the training facility is amazing because everyone there is a missionary. The atmosphere is so God centered, and in many ways it is like a little preview of what the fellowship part of heaven will be like. These three days in Michigan went by so fast but they were very valuable.
From Michigan we flew back to Spokane and were able to stay with our good friends, Jeff and Vicky. We celebrated Danelle’s birthday with them by flying their remote control radio transmitted helicopters and playing pool badminton. We got to see many of our friends in Spokane, it was good to catch up and be back in a place that feels like home.

The final week was spent with Danelle’s family in Pomeroy. This was the first time all the sisters and their husbands were together as husband and wife. We camped, boated on the river, and ate a lot of good food! On Sabbath Danelle and I were able to share pictures from our time in Palawan. Time spent with friends and family goes by much to fast. Our first month back has been a true first class experience

1 comment:
Look at all you couply couples haha those are great pictures.
I'm glad you both are back where you belong! Of course its always good to go away and help the world, but home is always home.
I wish I could come to Canada with you two, it looks so beautiful up there. Almost makes me jealous of you married people...lol
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