Danelle is at work today, so I am finishing up some of my projects and thought I would contribute to our blog. I would like to start of by saying I am very appreciative of our South Hill Church family. It was truly a blessing to spend last Sabbath with a body of believers that offered such encouraging support. I am also going to miss the "Arise" team. I love you guys, and I will really miss our talks and worship time, this last Saturday night was especially special.
... There is a hymn that I love and often find myself humming called "Come thou Fount of Every Blessing" I recently looked it up on youtube and in the comment section came across a discussion on Righteousness by Faith. I was drawn into the conversation and decided to add some of my own comments to the mix. The video had over 1000 comments, and I am sure my additions will be quickly drowned out and forgotten, but it is fun to imagine that my comments and contributions might matter... at least for someone. The following is where I picked up on the conversation:
The Gospel of Works is a false Gospel, to this I agree. But it is wise to account for all the gospel, to have a true Gospel. James (the brother of Jesus) explains that faith and works go hand in hand. James 2:19 says, “You believe there is one God, you do well, the devils also believe and tremble”. Vs 20 faith without works is dead. And in Vs 24 concludes, " You see then how by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.”
The book of James is very clear that Faith and Works are interlocked. Basically what James is saying in Chapter 2:14-26 is that, faith without works cannot be called faith. Often times people will use Paul to emphasize faith, while others use James to stress the importance of works. But here is the thing...James and Paul are not arguing different gospels, they are fighting back to back against the issue of legalism (Paul) and shallow belief (James) which both account to a dead faith.
Furthermore, Paul proves he is not an advocate of a faith that is shallow. He repeatedly says, "what then shall we continue to sin so that grace may abound? Certainly not! (Romans 6:1,2,15; 7:7,13... Works Paul says, do not make one righteous, it is a gift that is given because of faith. (paraphrase Romans 9:30-33). Righteousness by faith, is not a shallow belief because as James explains , "You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe-and tremble." (James 2:19).
We are advised by Jesus in Matthew ch 7:13,14 to enter by the narrow gate because “narrow is the gate and strait is way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Because the “way” is strait we should be careful of swerving from side to side... and into the ditches of legalism or shallow faith. Faith is the foundation that light’s the way
The apostles were known as those who follow the way. They were called this because Jesus called himself the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). It is believed that all the disciples who followed "The Way" died a martyrs death except for John... and even if this was not 100% factual...the bible from Acts on, makes it clear that they were willing to do so.
So when we follow "The Way" our faith is such that we are willing to die for it. The gift of Grace is so profound that even in our trials and tribulations we count it all Joy... I don't want a dead faith, I do what I do only because I believe, I can't help but want to share the Good News of Grace with others. The thief on the cross was assuredly saved! This proves two things. 1. We don’t get to Heaven because of what we do, and 2. faith is the starting point and foundation upon which we build. If the thief on the cross was to continue to live, I don't think he would have continued to be a thief... he would have joined those who follow the Way! Righteousness by faith is more than belief, Judas after all believed...but his understanding of the mission of Christ was blinded by an egocentric world view.
Is it possible that as Christians we can take on the mindset of Judas. Judas wanted Christ to set up his earthly kingdom and he wanted the glory from that. Today we want to be apart of the heavenly kingdom and experience the glory that comes with that. Both sets of belief are a form of self centered faith. Righteousness by Faith is faith that produces fruit, not only do we long to be in Heaven, we long for all to be in Heaven. This faith is a willingness to take up our own cross and Follow Him. Luke 9:23,24. However the only way that we can walk into heaven is by grace and the shadow of the cross.
1 comment:
great stuff! mama linda
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