The last couple of nights have been amazing. It is DARK and CLEAR. The perfect recipe for a sky blasting with little tiny lights. I love stars. I've always loved stars. Looking up to them is mezmerizing like watching a camp fire. I love it when you find a satalite speeding along or better yet those shooting stars! It's alwasy a surprise! I remember when Kevin asked me to marry him, he set off a sky lantern (picture below of what one looks like) and as it was going up into the perfect starry night on Storys Beach in Port Hardy BC, 2 shooting stars went off behind it one right after the other. What a wink from God.

Palawan supposidly has AMAZING starry nights. It is DARK up there, probably darker than anywhere I'll have ever been. And up in those rugged mountains, mmmm! Palawan, here we come!
Oh man. for a second I thought you had already left and that this was a post about the stars in Palawan. Oh man. I'll call you soon! Love Emily
"a wink from God.." nice... you guys are cool, wish we could hang out more. I'm excited for you guys and your adventures, Monica and I are hoping to have adventures abroad in our future as you are about to endeavor on. God bless!!!! It's gonna be fun!
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