Isaiah 60:1

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
Isaiah 60:1

Monday, March 15, 2010

Quick Update

Hello prayer team!

Kevin and I just want to invite you to pray extra for this project these next 2 weeks. The George's just left on a 2 week mission trip with a team of Palawanos to deep into the mountains to a different tribe called the Taaw Derem. These people have a history a long time ago to be cannibalistic. But they have been asking for medical help and for the George's to send them a missionary for quite some time. They are planning on leaving a Palawano missionary there. We've heard countless stories of people praying for missionaries and then there being accounts for armed guards, or angels surrounding them. So pray for the George's and their team. They are entering even more of the Devil's territory. How exciting that they get the opportunity again to expand God's territory. Also keep the rest of us in your prayers as well. As we "hold down the fort" during this exciting time.

1 comment:

Lynette Allcock said...

That is exciting! I'll definitely be praying for all of you.