Isaiah 60:1

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
Isaiah 60:1

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Few Thoughts


I love swimming. I can't believe I haven't gone yet since I've been here. This last Sabbath after potluck, a ton of people went down to the Tamlang (river) and swam. It's kind of akward swimming in a long skirt, but hey, it's better than nothing. It was so fun to just be with everyone and get to watch them. So many times we are the ones being watched. But we got to swim with them and then just sit back and watch them. So fun to watch them play. They are such a playful youthful people.

The Spirit of Children light up life

I love these kids. Well, for the most part. You know, those ones that have malaria and feel awful so they are super fussy and fight medication administration, that gets old pretty quick, but oh man. The ones that are happy and smiley. They just get the heart in a heartbeat. These people are really beautiful here and the kids are especially expressive sometimes. I love them. I don't love all of there pee and spit. The people here have very different views on cleanliness. At the clinic babies will just pee all over, the mom just holds them and then they ring out the tadyungs with there hands, or rub it in the floor with their feet, then wipe there hands dry on themselves. So different. I never hold a baby for too long unless I know it just peed and now is at least dried. The risk is just too great. But kids light up my life and give so much joy to me here.


Carley Truelove said...

Swimming is so fun! I remember when me you and em would go at mivoden. Can't wait til you get back!

Tommy said...

I just wanted to let you guys know I have kilograms of respect for the mission work you're doing. Also, I'm not sure if what I'm about to say is an appropriate 1st post as a follower; but your update, and Carley's chime for the joy of swimming, compels me to ring a chime for the joy of peeing. I just ordered a pair of tadyungs.