The other day after prayer at the rock, we were still pretty sleepy and were planning on lounging in bed for a little while longer. As I staggered up our porch, I was very surprised to see a HUGE ugly, crazy looking spider. It was right beside me happily sitting in it's web. It was still kind of dawn, so the lighting wasn't the best for pictures, but we spent some time photographing this guy until a school boy came by and I asked him to dispose of the spider. I'm still not really used to these kinds of things. Maybe it's because I have a husband who will do all the killing for me, so I haven't needed to step up and be brave, although, I still really like my can of bug poison. Recently we've been battling with cockroaches. I don't know if it's the time of year or what, but let me tell you, we have a ton of them right now.

Kevin and I did a super clean the other day. We took out everything from our kitchen and scrubbed everything with bleach water and doused all the shelves and floor with water. Then we poisoned like crazy and left for awhile. It really has helped so far. Guess that might be a regular type of cleaning to battle those nasty little guys.
Then, the day I knew would come sometime this year, came the other day. It was a Sunday so there were lots of people around. I had to run get something in my house for a second, and while I was there, I heard a noise, a rustling in the roof. I looked up and behold. A snake. Kevin was teaching at the time, so he couldn't come rescue me, but luckily there were lots of boys around who love to kill snakes. So I quickly yelled, "Boys! come here! I have a snake in my house!!!!" Several boys and women and children came to see the action. I handed my tukew (machetti) to a boy and a blow gun to the other and they went searching. Unfortunately, they couldn't find this slithery stealthy creature. So after a little while, they said sorry. Well, sigilang (it's alright). It either got scared away or we'll find it later. While I was finishing up, I had my eyes peeled. And sure enough, it's head poked up above one of the beams. "BOYS!" They came running again and this time they saw it, and chased this snake all over my house until they finally were able to kill it. Mission accomplished. I have a picture, but I forgot it. It's on Kevin's camera. I'll post it later. Gross. It wasn't a poisonous one thankfully. Just really gross.

Revised a few weeks later: Yet another snake was found in my house. The same spot, there was a tree branch there that rested on the roof. We cut it down. But before that, I briefly caught a glimps of this bright leafy green face looking at me. I barely even noticed it because right outside there were also green leafy leaves. Then I thought, “Hey, did I just see a snake?” And sure enough. Kevin was home this time so I quickly yelled for him. He went outside to get a better “shot” at it. 2 other school boys were around too. This time thankfully, it went back up the tree instead of further in my house. One of the boys had a sling shot. They had fun having a live target to shoot at. Amazingly, after a few rocks they hit it. It fell to the ground and they all crushed it with rocks. Even a machetti is a little scary when you go to chop it's head off and it get's in a striking position. The rocks were much better. Then, the next night, we were having a bible study at our house when one of the girls went home to grab a book, she saw a little snake in the ground and said rather calmly actually, “Hey guys, there's a snake out here that's heading toward your house.” Well, everyone went outside to look at it, and Kevin was able to chop this one with the tukew. I guess we always have to have our eyes open for them. So gross.
1 comment:
snakes and spiders
I would hire a school boy to become my official snake and spider killer at all times haha
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