Isaiah 60:1

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
Isaiah 60:1

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

You Say Goodbye I Say Hello

A little more than a month ago we asked for prayers and support for Joha so she could return and be a nurse here again. She returned June 8, just as the other nurse Michelle was leaving. It wasn't timed that way on our part, it must have been a gift of God.

We weren't expecting Joha to arrive until Thursday. But Sunday night I, Danelle, came down with that nasty malaria again. Michelle was leaving Tuesday. Running the clinic while trying to keep from throwing up and choking down malaria meds and ibuprofen around the clock was sounding quite discouraging. It's not like Michelle could just change her flight last minute. But then God in His perfect timing had it planned so Joha would come in the very day Michelle left. The worst of my sick days are over (hopefully) and I think I'm on the up-swing now. But that day, Michelle covered the clinic up until she left, and Joha arrived a couple of hours later. God also made it a quiet day so I only had to see one simple patient while sick.

Michelle's leaving has made us think about some of the feelings that we probably will feel in a couple of months. Time lately seems to be going very fast! It didn't seem that long ago that we were just arriving saying hello to Joha and all the other missionaries and Palawano's. Saying good bye to Michelle brings those feelings full circle. We are glad for the time remaining that we do have. God has blessed! In sickness and in health we are glad that He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).

Thank you to everyone who supported Joha through prayer and financially to enable her to be back here again. She is truly a blessing and more to us and the Palawano's alike. Last night she was telling us about her fund-raising, and how God worked. He knows our needs and His timing is perfect. Thank you for being a part in this miracle.

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